TEAM KOSPA / New and Renewable Energy Development

TEAM KOSPANew and Renewable Energy Development


바티칸 교황청 피터턱슨 추기경 접견
Name : TEAM KOSPA   Date : 2019-08-06   View : 4492
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팀코스파 이광성 회장() GSB Korea 박경호 회장(), 바티칸 교황청에서 온전한 인간발전촉진을 위한 교황청부서((Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development) 초대 장관인 피터 턱슨 추기경 접견(2019 7 29).


온전한 인간발전촉진을 위한 교황청부서((Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development) 기존의 교황청 산하에 있던 4 평의회(정의평화 평의회 사회복지평의회, 이주사목평의회, 보건사목평의회) 통합한 부서로, 프란치스코 교황의 자의교서에 명시된 바에 따라 2016 8 17 설립되었다.


Em. Cardenal Peter K.A.Turkson(center), Prefect of Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development received Chairman of Teamkospa, Lee Gwang Sun(right), Chairman of GSB Korea, Park Koung Ho(left), Korean delegation at audience in Vatican City. (29, July, 2019)


The Dicastery was created on August 17, 2016, from the union of four Pontifical Councils, according to the wishes that our Holy Father Pope Francis expressed in his Apostolic Letter.
